Love Your Life, Love This Bag - If you are an environmentalist who loves nature, then this handbag is tailored for you. Except for the metal zipper, all materials of this bag are made of friendly materials, which are lightweight, comfortable.
Multi-functional Bags-A truly wonderful bag that allows you to carry your wet and dry items in the same bag. Carry all your items in one bag while keeping your dry items dry and your wet or soiled items separate. Truly an all in one bag! They can be used as diaper wet dry bags,travel bags,storage bags,cosmetic bags,handbags,wash bag,organizer bags.
Two compartments with zippered closures are included for separating wet and dry items. Each bag features a designated section for wet items that is securely sealed to prevent leakage or wicking.
Fashion, Reusable&Waterproof , High quality -A trim and attractive design. ALVABABY wet/dry bag are made from waterproof 100% polyester, put dirty cloth diapers in a wet bag. Comes with handle for easy carrying or attaching to your diaper bag or stroller.
Enough Space-30cm x 36cm (approx.:11.5 in x 14.5 in),Holds approximately 5-7 cloth diapers. Light weight, easy to carry (less than 50 g).